Manage your workspace
The "Manage Your Workspace" page provides advices for setting up and maintaining your workspace within the Carmentis protocol. Administrators can add and manage users, assign roles, and ensure the right permissions for secure collaboration. You can also create and configure applications by defining the data structure, visibility settings, and event specifications for blockchain storage.
To manage your workspace, connect with your Wallet to your workspace at
Most frequent actions
Create an application
To create an application, navigate to the Application section and click on the New button. A popup will prompt you to enter the name of the application you wish to create. After you submit the name, the application will be marked as pending until you publish it.
Edit organization
To edit the organization name, city, country, and website, navigate to the Organization section and select the Edit tab. Here, you can update the relevant fields with the new information. Once you've made the necessary changes, be sure to save your updates to ensure the new details are reflected in your workspace.
Invite an administrator
To add a user to your workspace, go to the Organization section in the left sidebar, then select the Users tab. Click on Add User, and a form will appear prompting you to enter the public key of the user you wish to add, along with the privileges you want to assign (Visit our Share my public key to show how to share your public key). This setup allows you to control each user's access level, ensuring they have the appropriate permissions for their role in the workspace.
Edit privileges of an administrator
To edit the privileges of an existing account, navigate to the Organization section and select the Users tab. Find the user whose permissions you want to modify and click the button under Permissions next to their name. From there, you can adjust their privileges to match their current role and responsibilities in the workspace.
Remove an administrator
To remove an administrator from your workspace, go to the Organization section and select the Users tab. Locate the administrator you wish to remove, and find the deletion button. Click this deletion button to remove the administrator from your organization.
An organisation should always have an administrator, so the last administrator cannot remove himself from the organisation.